===== Python OMXPlayer ===== omxplayer:\\ [[https://github.com/huceke/omxplayer]]\\ [[http://omxplayer.sconde.net/]]\\ pyomxplayer:\\ [[https://github.com/KenT2/pyomxplayer]]\\ [[https://github.com/andyjagoe/pyomxplayer]]\\ [[https://github.com/jbaiter/pyomxplayer]]\\ ---- ==== downgrade your omxplayer to version 0.2.7: ==== __with the latest version of the pyomxplayer the downgrade is obsolet__\\ Cause the latest version of the omxplayer shows the time on the screen when pause, one has to downgrade to version 0.2.7.\\ $ sudo apt-get autoremove omxplayer $ sudo apt-get install libpcre3 fonts-freefont-ttf $ wget http://omxplayer.sconde.net/builds/omxplayer_0.2.7~git20130615~d87aa60a_armhf.deb $ sudo dpkg -i omxplayer_0.2.7~git20130615~d87aa60a_armhf.deb $ rm omxplayer_0.2.7~git20130615~d87aa60a_armhf.deb NO MORE UPDATE ANYMORE ==== Install the Pyomxplayer: ==== copy from:\\ [[https://github.com/dernulleffekt/embedded-artist/tree/master/python]]\\ pyomxplayer.py\\ to:\\ /usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages or in the folder with your python programm.\\ **or install the version with alpha layer support:**\\ $ wget http://www.dernulleffekt.de/programme/pyomxplayer.py.tar $ tar -xf pyomxplayer.py.tar $ sudo cp pyomxplayer.py /usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages install pexpect:\\ $ sudo pip install pexpect ==== Example: ==== >>> import pyomxplayer if you have the pyomxplayer from github:\\ >>> omx=pyomxplayer.OMXPlayer('/home/pi/video/example.mp4') **or for the pyomxplayer with alpha layer support:**\\ >>> omx=pyomxplayer.OMXPlayer('/home/pi/video/example.mp4', '100') than test the funktions\\ >>> omx.position >>> print(omx.__dict__) >>> omx.set_slower() >>> omx.set_faster() >>> omx.toggle_pause() >>> omx.stop()